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Donations keeps us helping others
We are only able to continue our work supporting those with sight loss thanks to the generosity of our supporters. Please consider if you can support the ministry financially.
Consider DonatingTorch Contact Number
01858 438260Office hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Thursday.
From outside UK: +44 1858 438260
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Use our online form to get in touch
Send us a message using our online form and a member of our friendly staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
Contact us formTorch Contact Email
info@torchtrust.orgWrite us an email and one of our friendly team members will get back to as soon as possible.
If you like to contact us directly, please use this phone number: 01858 438260
Office hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Thursday.
From outside UK: +44 1858 438260
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Use our online form to get in touch
Send us a message using our online form and a member of our friendly staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Client supporter Sign-up
Signing up on behalf of someone with sight loss?
We have a dedicated form for registering yourself and the client.
Client supporter formClient supporter Registration
Sign up as a client supporter today.
It’s free and easy to become a client supporter. You can do this online or over the telephone. This will give you access to most items that a client would have access to.
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Client Sign-up
Registering yourself as a client?
We’ve got a dedicated form to register yourself as a client.
Client sign-up formChurch Registration
Register your Church to become a Sight Loss Friendly Church
It’s free and easy to become a client supporter. You can do this online or over the telephone. This will give you access to most items that a client would have access to.
By completing this form, you agree to our privacy policies.
About Us
Torch Trust is an ecumenical Christian ministry that focuses on the spiritual support and encouragement of blind and partially sighted people. For over 60 years we have been providing accessible resources and a variety of ways to connect and support people living with sight loss.
Living with Sight Loss?
Learn more about how we support those living with sight loss
We believe that people with sight loss have a valuable part to play in their communities and churches. Torch makes a difference to the lives of people with sight loss by providing them with the opportunity to access Christian resources, sight loss friendly churches and a range of friendship and fellowship events. If you are supporting someone with sight loss to access our services we are here to help you through the process.
Join us! Find out how you can share with us in the ministry of Torch: Pray, Volunteer, Donate
Torch Trust exists to enable blind and partially sighted people to encounter Jesus, grow in their Christian faith and thrive in Christian community.
Torch is boldly Christian and our particular calling is to stimulate and nurture blind and partially sighted people’s Christian faith journeys.
This means we have a focus on both sensitive outreach to those who do not yet identify as Christian, and supporting the discipleship journey of those who do.
It also means that we seek to be inclusive, looking for ways to engage all blind and partially sighted people and not just those who we have regular contact with.
We recognise the importance of a personal approach that deeply values and nurtures relationships.
Our Core Values
We are Christ-centred
We seek to make Jesus Lord over every aspect of Torch Trust’s work, responding to the call he continues to give to us. Jesus is the example that we try to follow so we seek to be centred on Christ in all that we do, working to principles we find in the Bible. Torch is God’s and we seek to give reality to the prayer “Your kingdom come, your will be done” in our work for him.
This means that individually and corporately we seek to abide in Christ, listening for his voice within and through our colleagues. It means we seek to be Christ-like in our thinking, attitudes and activity; aiming to speak as he would speak and to do as he would do in every situation. We are committed to pray and stimulate prayer — faithfully and creatively.
We are People-focused
As Christians, we worship a God in whose nature we see beautiful, interdependent relationship perfectly displayed. At the heart our faith therefore is relationship – with God and with each other.
This means that nurturing and prioritising relationships is core in all we do.
Being Christ-like in relationships therefore means that we will always seek to be caring and compassionate, to respect one another, and to act with grace. We commit to protecting and enhancing the relationships we have, and to adapting our work to better serve the spiritual needs of blind and partially sighted people.
We are Open
As Christians, we follow a Trinitarian God who demonstrates in His own being what it means to be utterly open and surrendered. In Jesus, we have a pattern for human life lived in complete openness and honesty to God and to everyone he encountered.
As Christ’s followers, we seek always to operate with integrity in an open, honest and accessible way that creates understanding and trust. We are open about our Christian faith as the motivation and inspiration for our work; we offer our services to people of all faiths and none; we are non-denominational, seeking to work in harmony with other Christians, embracing the diversity of Christian understanding, experience and tradition.
We are Creative
We worship and seek to follow a God who is both Creator and Sustainer of all things. Creativity is part of the very nature of God and, as people made in his image, we believe that everyone has the potential for creativity expressed in a myriad of ways.
Therefore, when listening to our clients we respond with creative solutions, embracing innovation, technology, partnerships and the gifts of others. We always seek to learn, develop and adapt to our current environment.
Our Beginnings
In 1958, Ron and Stella Heath were brought into touch with some visually impaired young people from a training centre near to where they lived in Reigate, Surrey. They opened their home and their hearts to these young people who were keen to explore the Christian faith. They began looking for braille reading material to help these young people grow in their faith. That’s when they came across Miss Ada Trench, an 83-year-old lady living in Cumbria who produced a Christian braille magazine called ‘Torch’. They ordered six copies for the young people but were soon contacted by Miss Trench asking if they would take over editing it.
Through correspondence from people all over the world sharing how vital this little magazine was to them, the Heath’s came to realise the scale of the need for Christian resources for the blind not just locally but internationally. The Torch Trust was founded in 1959 and began developing a growing selection of braille Christian literature alongside continuing to support more and more blind people.
As the ministry grew, so did the need for space for machines and for the many volunteers who caught the vision. Torch moved several times, not only adding space but expanding the ministry into new areas such as providing holidays and a residential community. But, whilst the ministry of Torch has changed over the years in response to God’s call, the needs of blind and partially sighted people and the changing societal context, the core mission has stayed the same. Torch remains committed to reaching out with God’s love to people losing their sight, to providing resources and fellowship to support visually impaired Christians in their discipleship, and to help the church and society recognise their gifts and include them.
Learn more about how we support those living with sight loss
We believe that people with sight loss have a valuable part to play in their communities and churches. Torch makes a difference to the lives of people with sight loss by providing them with the opportunity to access Christian resources, sight loss friendly churches and a range of friendship and fellowship events. If you are supporting someone with sight loss to access our services we are here to help you through the process.
Join us! Find out how you can share with us in the ministry of Torch: Pray, Volunteer, Donate
If you have benefited from Torch’s support and services, please consider whether you can help us to support others.
It is important that we take time to ensure that both volunteer and Torch fit well together, that the role is well suited to the volunteer and that they gain a real sense of fulfillment in undertaking these duties. New volunteer applicants will therefore be initially invited to speak with a supervisor and, as appropriate, to visit us to learn more about the work we do.
Sight Loss Friendly Church
Torch believes that Christianity is for everyone and that being part of a local fellowship of believers is a vital part of the Christian life. A central element of our mission is to support churches to be fully inclusive of the gifts and needs of people with sight loss. Our Sight Loss Friendly Church initiative is geared up to do just that.