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We will email you our Torch News magazine four times a year, full of encouraging stories, updates and information on how you can get involved. Our quarterly prayer diary is included to give you a daily guide to how you can be praying for the ministry of Torch. By receiving these digitally you help us save costs and help the planet!

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    Donations keeps us helping others

    We are only able to continue our work supporting those with sight loss thanks to the generosity of our supporters. Please consider if you can support the ministry financially.

    Consider Donating

    Torch Contact Number

    01858 438260

    Office hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Thursday.

    From outside UK: +44 1858 438260

    If you donā€™t get a response please use our online form or email us at:

    Get in touch

    Use our online form to get in touch

    Send us a message using our online form and a member of our friendly staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Contact us form

    Client supporter Registration

    Sign up as a client supporter today.

    Itā€™s free and easy to become a client supporter. You can do this online or over the telephone. This will give you access to most items that a client would have access to.

      Your details

      Are you a UK resident?

      Client details

      Is the client you are registering a UK resident?

      What aspects of Torch are you most interested in?

      By tickingā€™ I agreeā€™, I give consent to Torch processing my personal data for its charitable purposes.

      By completing this form, you agree to our privacy policies.

      Client Sign-up

      Registering yourself as a client?

      Weā€™ve got a dedicated form to register yourself as a client.

      Church Registration

      Register your Church to become a Sight Loss Friendly Church

      Itā€™s free and easy to become a client supporter. You can do this online or over the telephone. This will give you access to most items that a client would have access to.

        Church details will be listed on our website.

        Contact details will only be shared with Torch Trust staff.

        By completing this form, you agree to our privacy policies.

        Church resources

        Get equipped - Browse our Resource Centre for SLFC material

        Supporting someone with sight loss

        Some people like to receive services from us but like someone else to contact us and manage the services they receive on their behalf (e.g. like ordering library books). If you would like to support someone in this way, please fill in the details and one of our team will complete your registration as a client supporter. The person you are supporting may be an existing client or they may like to become a client of Torch. Please make sure that the person that you are supporting knows that you will be doing this on their behalf and that you will be passing on their details to us. If you would like us to contact the client directly then please fill in the Client sign-up form and specify in the Other field that you have filled it in on behalf of the client.

        How we can help support someone together

        If you would like to support someone with sight loss, there are a number of things that you can do. These will vary according to your circumstances and those of the person with sight loss. You could:

        Encourage them

        Encourage them to register as sight impaired

        The RNIB has lots of helpful information about this.

        Talk to them

        Talk to them about what their needs are and see how you can help



        Pray for them and Torch Trust



        Financially support our work



        Tell the person with sight loss about Torch Trust

        Give them our telephone number or, with their permission, pass on their number on to us and one of our friendly team will give them a call.


        Become a Torch volunteer

        We welcome volunteers who are sighted and who have sight loss.

        Explore our services

        Need Help

        Any questions?

        If you have any further questions about assisting someone with sight loss then please do contact us for further information and support. You can also register on behalf of someone with Sight Loss to access the Torch services