Sign up to receive regular digital updates from Torch

We will email you our Torch News magazine four times a year, full of encouraging stories, updates and information on how you can get involved. Our quarterly prayer diary is included to give you a daily guide to how you can be praying for the ministry of Torch. By receiving these digitally you help us save costs and help the planet!

    Keep me updated with:

    By completing this form, you agree to our privacy policies.


    Donations keeps us helping others

    We are only able to continue our work supporting those with sight loss thanks to the generosity of our supporters. Please consider if you can support the ministry financially.

    Consider Donating

    Torch Contact Number

    01858 438260

    Office hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Thursday.

    From outside UK: +44 1858 438260

    If you donā€™t get a response please use our online form or email us at:

    Get in touch

    Use our online form to get in touch

    Send us a message using our online form and a member of our friendly staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Contact us form

    Client supporter Registration

    Sign up as a client supporter today.

    Itā€™s free and easy to become a client supporter. You can do this online or over the telephone. This will give you access to most items that a client would have access to.

      Your details

      Are you a UK resident?

      Client details

      Is the client you are registering a UK resident?

      What aspects of Torch are you most interested in?

      By tickingā€™ I agreeā€™, I give consent to Torch processing my personal data for its charitable purposes.

      By completing this form, you agree to our privacy policies.

      Client Sign-up

      Registering yourself as a client?

      Weā€™ve got a dedicated form to register yourself as a client.

      Church Registration

      Register your Church to become a Sight Loss Friendly Church

      Itā€™s free and easy to become a client supporter. You can do this online or over the telephone. This will give you access to most items that a client would have access to.

        Church details will be listed on our website.

        Contact details will only be shared with Torch Trust staff.

        By completing this form, you agree to our privacy policies.

        Church resources

        Get equipped - Browse our Resource Centre for SLFC material

        We are so grateful that you are considering making a gift to Torch and we want to make it easy for you to give. We accept donations via cheque, online, by phone, through charity giving pages and direct to our bank account. Every gift makes a huge difference, helping us answer calls, send out library books, deliver accessible Bible reading notes, support Fellowship groups, organise Torch Together events and raise awareness in churches. Together we are a lifeline to people with sight loss.

        One Off Gift

        Make a one off Donation

        Your gift today will help us to support those who are blind and partially sighted.

        Regular Giving

        Set up regular giving

        Regular gifts help us to plan ahead and for the ministry and ensure that we have the resources in place to continue to serve blind and partially sighted individuals.

        Giftaid Logo
        Fundraising Regulator Logo

        Torch Bearers

        Become a Torch Bearer

        Join this exciting new initiative where your gift of just Ā£15 each month will provide accessible books for those living with sight loss

        Leave a Legacy

        Leaving a gift to Torch

        Leaving a gift to Torch in your will makes a huge difference to our ministry. here is no obligation, however most people using this service choose to include leaving a gift to our charity in their plans.

        Where your money goes:

        Torch strives to be good stewards of all the gifts we receive. Like all charities we have overheads to pay our staff, maintain our buildings and equipment as well as to run our activities and services, support individuals with sight loss or equip churches to be Sight Loss Friendly.


        provides accessible Bible reading notes to a client.


        enables each client to have full access to our lending library of Christian literature.


        adds a new book to our library in braille, audio and large print

        One off giving

        One Off Gift – PayPal

        Make a one off Donation through PayPal*

        *Please note that giving via PayPal donate will incur small administration fees on all debit and credit card transactions. If you have a paypal account you can use PayPal Giving Fund which doesn’t charge any fees. Please contact us if you are able to GiftAid your donation.

        Donate via Bank Transfer

        You can also give direct through your bank** using our bank account details:

        The Torch Trust for the Blind,
        SORT CODE: 40-52-40,
        Account Number: 00017072,
        CAF Bank Ltd

        **If you do this please email us or call us to let us know so we can track the payments and acknowledge gifts.

        Donate via Cheque

        If you would like to give via cheque please make it out to ā€˜The Torch Trust for the Blindā€™ and post to:

        Torch House,
        Torch Way,
        Market Harborough,
        LE16 9HL,

        ā€œWe both feel we have benefited greatly from Torchā€™s ministry and it is a way of saying thank you.ā€


        Regular giving

        Why should I set up a regular monthly donation? Whilst we are grateful for every gift we receive, regular monthly donations help us to plan ahead and provide us with a reliable income stream to cover day to day costs, as well as giving us the confidence to invest in new projects and resources. The overheads to continue the ministry are approximately Ā£1,800 per day.

        Direct Debit ā€” Online

        Setup a direct debit online

        You can set up a direct debit online with CAF Donate (Charities Aid Foundation) and then follow the on-screen instructions

        CAF logo
        giftaid logo


        Setup a direct debit by post

        If you prefer, print off a Direct Debit form, complete it, and send it to:

        Torch Trust, Torch House, Torch Way, Market Harborough, LE16 9HL.

        NEED HELP?

        Need help setting up a direct debit?

        Please call us onĀ +44 (0)1858 438260Ā or email us atĀ info@torchtrust.orgĀ to ask us to set up the direct debit for you.


        Leaving a legacy

        If you havenā€™t yet made a will, making a pledge within it to leave a gift to Torch would really enable us to plan for the future.

        Pledges are also not legally binding so you are not committing yourself. You are simply allowing Torch to estimate future support for our work. However, if you wish it to be legally binding, we advise you to consult a solicitor to draw up a will for you, which incorporates your pledge.

        Please print off a Legacy Pledge Form or request one by calling us atĀ +44 (0)1858 438260Ā or emailingĀ

        Complete the form, retain a copy for yourself and send another to Torch Trust, Torch House, Torch Way, Market Harborough, LE16 9HL. Alternatively if you wish to incorporate it in your will now, take it along to your solicitor.

        If you have already made a will, but you want to leave a legacy to Torch, you can make an addition or change to your current will without re-writing it. This addition is called a codicil. A codicil is not legally binding unless it is part of your main will. We advise you to always seek the advice of a solicitor.

        Please print off a Codicil Form or request one by calling us atĀ +44 (0)1858 438260Ā or emailingĀ

        Leaving a gift to Torch

        What if you don’t have a will?Ā 

        You are not alone,Ā 54% of adults in the UK do not have a will and this can leave uncertainty for loved ones at a challenging time.Ā  Writing a will can seem daunting and costly and can be tricky if you arenā€™t able to leave home.Ā  So we have partnered with Guardian Angel to provide you with a simple will for free, that would usually cost Ā£90, that can be produced online, in person or over the phone.

        Leaving a gift to Torch in your will makes a huge difference to our ministry. There is no obligation, however most people using this service choose to include leaving a gift to our charity in their plans.

        Why do this today?

        • Itā€™s quick and easy

        • Itā€™s safe – Octopus Legacy (formaly Guardian Angel) Wills are legally binding and checked by experts

        • It is free

        • You will have peace of mind that your affairs

        • Ā are in order

        This can be done face to face or over the phone if you would prefer

        Call 0800 773 4014 to arrange an appointment to start your will over the phone, or click the button below to do it online. Your discount code is TORCH-FREE.