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    Donations keeps us helping others

    We are only able to continue our work supporting those with sight loss thanks to the generosity of our supporters. Please consider if you can support the ministry financially.

    Consider Donating

    Torch Contact Number

    01858 438260

    Office hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Thursday.

    From outside UK: +44 1858 438260

    If you donā€™t get a response please use our online form or email us at:

    Get in touch

    Use our online form to get in touch

    Send us a message using our online form and a member of our friendly staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Contact us form

    Client supporter Registration

    Sign up as a client supporter today.

    Itā€™s free and easy to become a client supporter. You can do this online or over the telephone. This will give you access to most items that a client would have access to.

      Your details

      Are you a UK resident?

      Client details

      Is the client you are registering a UK resident?

      What aspects of Torch are you most interested in?

      By tickingā€™ I agreeā€™, I give consent to Torch processing my personal data for its charitable purposes.

      By completing this form, you agree to our privacy policies.

      Client Sign-up

      Registering yourself as a client?

      Weā€™ve got a dedicated form to register yourself as a client.

      Church Registration

      Register your Church to become a Sight Loss Friendly Church

      Itā€™s free and easy to become a client supporter. You can do this online or over the telephone. This will give you access to most items that a client would have access to.

        Church details will be listed on our website.

        Contact details will only be shared with Torch Trust staff.

        By completing this form, you agree to our privacy policies.

        Church resources

        Get equipped - Browse our Resource Centre for SLFC material

        Torch Fellowship Groups

        People with sight loss are more likely to feel lonely and isolated from those around them. Yet each of us has a deep-rooted need to connect with other people and develop relationships within caring supportive communities. Torch Fellowship Groups provide a wonderful way for people with sight loss to connect with each other and with sighted people. They offer a warm welcome, hospitality, companionship and the opportunity for Christian fellowship. Over 60 groups meet around the UK, often on a monthly basis. Each group is independent but works in partnership with Torch to offer encouragement and support to their members.

        What is a Torch Fellowship Group?

        Our groups are made up of blind and partially sighted people along with sighted people. They provide a relaxed environment to explore the Christian faith and build friendships with others. Groups vary as much as the individuals who participate in them. Some have structured meetings featuring speakers and activities. Others are more informal and may include catching up over coffee and cake or day trips out together. We also have a small number of book groups where all reading materials are provided in accessible formats so that every member can fully engage and join in.

        Groups are open to all: whether you are old, or young, whether you consider yourself a Christian, or not. Many of these groups also have links with local churches. Torch is passionate about helping churches reach out into their communities to support people with sight loss. We would love to hear from any church leaders who are interested in setting up a new Torch Fellowship Group.

        How to connect with a Torch Fellowship Group?

        Connecting with a group is very simple. First of all, click on the link below to find your nearest Torch Fellowship Group. There you will find the name and contact details of a member of the group, a telephone number and an email address. Please do feel free to contact them directly and explain that you would like to visit their group.

        Contact us to find Torch Fellowship Groups

        Find a Torch Fellowship Group

        Need help

        No Group in your area or need help?

        If you need help, donā€™t hesitate to get in touch - weā€™d love to hear from you. You can contact us any time by email or ring us during normal office hours.

        Contact Us